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Subsystems / Naval systems / 127mm Compatto

127mm Compatto

General Facts

  • TYPE
    Naval gun turret


    127/54 Compatto (manufacturers designation)
    KD 127 (South Korean designation)

    1965 - 1969 (Compatto)
    1992 - 2000 (Alleggerito)

    OTO Melara

    1972 - present

    Italy - OTO Melara

    Over 50


    Powerful ammunition
    High rate of fire
    Good accuracy and stabilization
    Can also engage aerial targets
    Large and heavy turret
    Requires much space below deck
    Not as easy to integrate as Mk 45


The 127mm Compatto is a naval gun turret of Italian origin. It was developed in the late 1960's by OTO Melara at the request of the Italian navy. The Compatto design uses many technologies and principles found as found in the 76mm OTO Melara cannon. Recent upgrade plans include a longer 62-caliber barrel that may fire guided rounds at distances of over 100 km.


The 127mm Compatto naval gun turret was design for use on frigates and destroyers. It is usually mounted on the forward deck in front of the bridge. The unmanned turret has a single 127mm 54-caliber cannon that is connected to an automatic loading system and is flushed with either salt or fresh water for cooling. Most of the components are upscaled designs taken from the 76mm OTO turrets. The ammunition is stored below the deck and the gun is controlled by consoles installed in the ships command center. In the 1990’s a lightweight model has been developed.


The 127mm Compatto fires 127mm shells that are compatible with the US 127m L/54 shells. The rate of fire is selectable between 10 and 45 rounds per minute. The gun may be used to engage shore targets, naval vessels and aerial targets including helicopters, subsonic aircraft and incoming missiles. The maximum range is 23 km versus surface targets and 8.6 km versus aerial targets. Below deck there are three ammunition carousels holding 22 rounds each. Depending on the design 500 to 600 additional rounds are stored elsewhere in the ship.


For a large caliber turret the 127mm Compatto has been quite successful. Besides various Italian types of ships it has been installed on various South American and Japanese ships. One of the most modern classes to be fitted is the Dutch De Zeven Provincien class. The lighter and more modern Alleggerito turret model remains available for production.


127mm Compatto

The Compatto turret is the original 127mm OTO gun turret and the most common version. In English it is also called the 127mm Compact gun turret. Over 50 have been produced. The Compatto turret is easily identified by its plastic cover with is both rounded and box shaped and has overhang at the rear. A product improvement package consisting of a longer 64-caliber barrel and special long range ammunition has been developed.

TypeNaval gun turret
Armament127mm 54-caliber, 808 m/s, 7.000 round barrel life
Rate of fire10 to 45 rpm
Ammunition3 drums with 22 rounds, double feed chute
Range23 km vs surface targets, 8.6 km vs aircraft
Traverse-165 to +165°, 40°/s
Elevation-15 to +83°, 30°/s
Dimensions4.50 m wide, 4.46m tall, 6 m long, 9.9 m long with gun
Weight37.5 t empty
Fire control?

127mm Alleggerito

The Alleggerito turret was developed as a smaller and less complex alternative for the original Compatto model. The Alleggerito turret is also known as the 127mm Lightweight turret in English. The new design has smaller dimensions, a reduced recoil force, fully digitalized controls, a lower rate of fire and a reduced radar signature cover. The ammunition system below deck has changed to an automatic feeding device of 20 to 40 rounds. Late model Alleggerito turrets are fitted with the longer 64-caliber gun which results in a 20 percent extended range and the ability to fire the Volcano long range round.

TypeNaval gun turret
Armament127mm 54-caliber, 808 m/s, 7.000 round barrel life
Rate of fireup to 35 rpm
Ammunition20 to 40 rounds in automatic feeding device, single feed chute
Range23 km vs surface targets, 8.6 km vs aircraft
Traverse-155 to +155°, 36°/s
Elevation-15 to +70°, 30°/s
Dimensions4.46 m wide, 3.2 m tall, 5.6 m long, 9.0 m long with gun
Weight25 t empty
Fire control?
TypeNaval gun turret
Armament127mm 64-caliber, 7.000 round barrel life
Rate of fireup to 35 rpm
Ammunition20 to 56 rounds in automatic feeding device, single feed chute
Range28 km vs surface targets, 8.6 km vs aircraft
Traverse-155 to +155°, 36°/s
Elevation-15 to +70°, 30°/s
Dimensions4.46 m wide, 3.2 m tall, 5.6 m long, 10.3 m long with gun
Weight29 t empty
Fire control?


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