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Air defense / MANPADS / RBS-70


General Facts

  • TYPE
    Man portable SAM system


    Robotsystem 70 (Swedish service)
    ITO2005, ITO2005M (Finnish service)



    1977 - present

    Sweden - Bofors



    High resistance against countermeasures
    Good range and speed in later models
    Effective warhead in later models
    All weather capability
    Limited range and lethality in early models
    Manual aiming requires lot of training
    Rather heavy for man portable system


The RBS-70 is a modern man portable SAM system of Swedish origin. It was developed as a highly mobile system to primarily protect predefined areas, not troops on the move. The manual SACLOS guidance sets this system apart from the more common infrared homing MANPADS designs.


The RBS-70 uses a pedetal launcher on which a single operator is seated. The operator identifies targets or receives target information from mobile radar systems such as the Giraffe. The SACLOS guidance requires the operator to keep the target within the crosshairs while the missile uses laser beam riding guidance to reach the target. The laser receiver is in the tail of the missile and is very hard to jam. This required exhaust vents in the middle of the missile. The laser seeker and warhead are in the nose.


The RBS-70 is very resistant to jamming, but requires much training to operate effectively. The orignal RBS-70 missile had a limited range of 5 km and 3 km ceiling. The limited size warhead resulted in a mediocre lethality. The Mk 2 missile has a much improved warhead, 7 km range and 4 km ceiling. The latest BOLIDE missile has a 8 km range, 5 km ceiling and Mach 2 speed.


The RBS-70 is man portable by three men, but only over short distances. The launcher is rather heavy, especially with night sight fitted. Usually the launcher is transported in a utility vehicle or truck. The launcher can also be mounted on vehicles.


The RBS-70 was first adopted by the Swedish military to realize their doctrine of mobile warfare with limited maintainance systems. The RBS-70 has been exported to a large number of nations, mainly in Europe and Asia.


RBS-70 launcher

The RBS-70 missiles are launched from a tripod launcher with a seat for the operator. The launcher is particularly important in the RBS-70 system as it houses the laser designator the operator uses to guide the missile to its target. Besides the laser designatror an IFF system and day sight are fitted on the launcher. A clip on night device can be fitted. Recently an infrared thermal sight is made available. The pedestal launcher can be fitted onto a vehicle. The RBS-70 NG (New Generation) has improved sighting systems and new training features.

RBS-70 missiles

RBS-70: Original missile, also known as the Mk 0.
RBS-70 Mk 1: Improvement over the original missile with increased range.
RBS-70 Mk 1+: A Mk 1 with improved laser seeker with expanded field of view. Effectiveness against crossing targets is much improved. Developed specifically for the Swedish forces.
RBS-70 Mk 2: Further improvement over the Mk 1 with increased range and a warhead with better armor penetration.
BOLIDE: An improved Mk 2 introduced in 2005. It has an improved rocket motor with increased speed, range and alititude. A new shaped charge warhead with prefragmented jacket is fitted. The electronics are reprogrammable to allow updates for new threat profiles.

TypeSurface to air missile
Diameter106 mm body, 0.32 m wingspan
Length1.3 m
Weight15 kg
GuidanceLaser beam guidance
WarheadHE-Fragmentation, 2.000 to 3.000 tungsten pellets, impact and 3 m proximity fuze
PropulsionSingle-stage solid propellant rocket motor plus ejection motor
Range500 m to 6 km
Altitude5 m to 3 km
Engagement envelope?
TypeSurface to air missile
Diameter106 mm body, 0.32 m wingspan
Length1.3 m
Weight16.5 kg
GuidanceLaser beam guidance
WarheadHE-Fragmentation, 2.000 to 3.000 tungsten pellets, impact and 3 m proximity fuze
PropulsionSingle-stage solid propellant rocket motor plus ejection motor
Range200 m to 6 km
Altitude5 m to 3 km
Engagement envelope?
TypeSurface to air missile
Diameter106 mm body, 0.32 m wingspan
Length1.318 m
Weight16.5 kg
GuidanceLaser beam guidance
WarheadHE-Fragmentation, over 3.000 tungsten pellets, impact and 3 m proximity fuze
PropulsionSingle-stage solid propellant rocket motor plus ejection motor
Speed580 m/s maximum
Range200 m to7 km approachting, over 4 km crossing
Altitude5 m to 4 km
Engagement envelope?
TypeSurface to air missile
Diameter106 mm body, 320 mm wingspan
Length1.32 m
Weight16 to 17 kg
GuidanceLaser beam guidance
WarheadHE-Fragmentation, over 3.000 tungsten pellets, impact and 3 m proximity fuze
PropulsionSingle-stage solid propellant rocket motor plus ejection motor
Speedover 680 m/s maximum
Range250 m to over 8 km
Altitude5 m to over 5 km
Engagement envelope?
RemarksOver 25 g maneuverability


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